The ‘It Takes Two to Talk’ Program: Together we will create and achieve personalised goals for your child’s communication.


Your connection and relationship with your child makes you their most important language teacher from their earliest stage in life.

This is why we love to involve you in your child’s early language therapy. This includes shared book reading, singing nursery rhymes or blowing bubbles – just to name a few everyday opportunities where strategies can be used to improve your little one’s communication skills.

We appreciate that you know your child more than anyone else which is why we are excited to be offering a well researched parent program based on this philosophy, called ‘It Takes Two to Talk’ – The Hanen Program for Parents of Children with Language Delays.

Who is the program designed for?

  • Parents of young children (birth to five years of age) with delays in understanding or expressing sounds/words/phrases to communicate.
  • This includes those with developmental language disorder and/or developmental delays.

Please contact one of our speech pathologists if you would like to know more about expected communication milestones.

What does the It Takes Two to Talk Program involve?

  • An orientation session to learn more about the program
  • An individual pre-program visit (either at your home or at our clinic) for you and your child. This is with one of our Hanen trained Speech Pathologists to understand more about your child’s communication style and set personalised goals.
  • Eight engaging and interactive sessions within a small group environment with other parents.
  • Three individual visits in the program with our Hanen trained Speech Pathologist to track your child’s personalised communication goal and share discussions on how to fine-tune specific strategies. Video-recordings of you interacting with your child during an everyday activity are reviewed and discussed as a learning tool.

If you are interested in finding out more please contact our friendly team on 08 8361 8858.

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Posted by Paula Messina
Speech Pathologist
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